Jumat, 05 Desember 2008

Nazi, Kejam tapi Unik

Nazi..... hm.... salah satu topik favorit aku... sudut pikir yang berbeda akan menghasilkan sesuatu yang berbeda juga... sama kaya pikiran Adolf Hitler.... kejam... tapi unik.... ini ada sedikit sejarah nazi...

Jerman Nazi atau Reich Ketiga merujuk terutama pada masa dari tahun 1933 sampai 1945, ketika Adolf Hitler memimpin negara Jerman sebagai diktator dan menyebarkan ideologi nasional-sosialisme (Nationalsozialismus). Reich adalah kata Jerman untuk "kerajaan". Disebut kerajaan ketiga karena kerajaan pertama adalah Kekaisaran Romawi Suci, sedangkan kerajaan kedua adalah Kekaisaran Jerman.

Dalam periode ini Jerman tumbuh dari negara yang kalah Perang Dunia I hingga menjadi salah satu kekuatan militer terbesar di dunia. Pada saat yang bersamaan juga berlaku politik rasis yang meninggikan bangsa Arya dan merendahkan ras-ras lain.

Terutama bangsa Yahudi didiskriminasi dan dikumpulkan untuk dibunuh di kamp konsentrasi. Selain orang Yahudi kaum Nazi juga mendiskriminasi dan membantai bangsa Gipsi (Roma dan Sinti) serta bangsa Slavia. Jerman Nazi berakhir ketika mereka kalah Perang Dunia II melawan Uni Soviet dan kekuatan Sekutu yang dipimpin oleh Amerika Serikat. Sebagai hasil dari kekalahan ini negara Jerman lantas dibagi menjadi Republik Federasi Jerman di barat dan Republik Demokratis Jerman di timur serta wilayahnya di timur sungai Oder dan Neisse diberikanPolandia dan Uni Soviet. kepada

Selasa, 02 Desember 2008

Twelve Canticles for the Zealot

He wakes from a prolonged delirium, swears
He has seen the face of God.
God help all those whose fever never raged
Or has subsided.

Perched on church steeple, minaret, cupola
Smug as misericords, gleeful as gargoyles
On gables of piety, the vampire acolyte
Waits to leap from private hell
To all four compass points -- but will not voyage alone.
His variant on the doctored coin reads: Come with me or --
Go to -- hell!

He craves a parity
Beyond the contents of his skull.
A hundred thousand
Vacuities of mind are soon
Cowed beneath the grace and power
Of one gossamer quill -- yet
Beware the mute! Beware the furtive power
Of the mutant's blade.

The trade of healing takes strange turns.
Doctor and reservist, seeks the lethal path
To hearts of devotees in East Jerusalem,
Makes cadavers of believers turned
Eastwards in devotion -- then turns the barrel
Inwards -- still in hot pursuit?
For there are no post-mortems in the after-life
Though rigor mortis settles on the breath
Of peace.

They would be killers anyway, and anywhere.
Their world's a hiatus. Jerked to life,
They suck the teats of piety, briefly shed
A long cocoon of death. Dead eyes,
A death humility, death wish, dead end,
A death asymmetry that befits
A death-bound unbeginning.

Their mentors live, and thrive, instruct.
Behold their vengeance for a living death --
Wielding infantile gums but --
Teethed at school.

It was his own kind, nailed
Yitzak Rabin to crossroads of the Orient
Arms extended to the Heights
Of peace. Across the Suez, the ghost
Of his precursor on the viewing stand
Watched the grim replay of a familiar reel.

Ogun came riding through the streets
Of Jerusalem. The Chosen barred his way.
His bright metallic lore was profanation,
Railed the wandering tribe, custodian now
Of streets and pathways, closed on hallowed days
To songs of iron and steel, even a child's meandering
Bicycle, or infant's crib.

Come war, will they deny
The aid of iron? Come death
Can they delay the caller's blade
By plea of Sacred Feast?

The zealots' hands
Are stretched to rock the erring vehicle,
But not as rock the cradle of an infant peace.
Claws of hate, and clasp of closure reach
From pole to pole, embracing
Convertites of every faith. The maiming,
Killing act is all.

A god is nowhere born, yet everywhere.
But Rama's sect rejects that fine distinction --
The designated spot is sanctified, not for piety but --
For dissolution of yours from mine, politics of hate --
And forced exchange -- peace for a moment's ecstasy.
They turn a mosque to rubble, stone by stone,
Condemned usurper of Lord Rama's vanished spot
Of dreamt epiphany. Now a cairn of stones
Usurps a dream of peace -- can they dream peace
In iconoclast Uttar Pradesh?

The meek shall inherit the earth ...
Blessed are the peacemakers ...
Shalom ... Shalom ... Shalom ...
Irosu wonrin, irosu wonrin.
Salaam ailekum, ailekum
Shanti ... shanti ... shanti ...
Oom ... oom ... oom ... ooom ...

Seek havens of peace on ocean floors,
Submarine depths, in lost worlds, black holes
Collapsed galaxies, in hermit caves
In jungle fastnesses and arctic wastes
Thorns of crowns and hairy shirts, beds of nails,
The saintly cheek that turns the other side, but --
Not in texts, not by learned rote. It's there
The unmeek prove inheritors of the earth.

They are the scripture grooms, possessive
To the last submissive dot. Punctilious
Guards of annotations, they sleepwalk blind to all
But the fatal hiatus:
Boom for oom and -- sword for Word.
What is missing is -- fulfilled!

Ile gbogbo nle orisa ee, ile gbogbo nle orisa
Ile gbogbo nle orisa ee, ile gbogbo nle orisa
Enia lo m'orisa w'aiye oo
Ile gbogbo nle orisa ee*

Invent your god and forge his will
The home of piety is the soul.
I come from Ogun's land where
Women plant and teach and cure
Mould and build and cultivate,
Bestride the earth on sturdy thighs
Wipe sweat off open faces.
I come from Ogun's land where
Women spurn the veil, and men
And earth rejoice!

Cast the sanctimonious stone
And leave frail beauty shredded in the square
Of public shame. This murder
Is the rock of sin, the wayward veil
A mere pebble's glint.

Orunmila! Eleri ipin
Ibikeji Olodumare
Ajeju oogun
Obiriti, Ap'ijo iku da

Some words are coarse, obscene, indecent.
They make a case for censorship, such words as
Pagan, heathen, infidel, unbeliever, kafiri, etc.
The cleric swears he'll sweep the streets clean
Of the unclean, armed with Book and Beard. Both
Turn kindling, but overturn the law of physics.
For the fire consumes all but the arsonist. He lives
To preach another day. The promised beast
Of the Apocalypse left me unbeliever
Till a rambling cleric apportioned death on CNN --
Surely that devil's instrument! -- on Taslim Nazreem.
She wrote of an equalising God, androgynous
Who deals, ambidextrous, with the Left and Right.

...and a thirteenth for the merely superstitious.
This thirteenth canticle for you, and let
Ill-luck infest your dreams awhile, stress your fears.
Not one but both -- Friday and thirteen
Joined to press the entry of my world
Onto your calendar. Would I could boast
A triple six, a Grand Slam by Satan's reckoning --
I would have long submerged the world
In cosmic laughter!

* All earth is the home of deities
All earth is the home of deities
It was mortals who brought the gods to the world
All earth is home of deities

** Orunmila, Hand that apportions Fate
Second only to the Supreme Deity
He who swallows the potency of herbs
Immense One, who turns aside the day of death